I got up very early a few weeks ago to record this. Find it on Bandcamp pay what you can afford, all proceeds to Class Divide education.
And please check out the Class Divide podcast series, now in to its 5th episode, deep explorations of education inequality.
Logo design by Stanley James Press
Whitehawk is classed as one of the UK's most deprived communities, but alongside the negative data, inherent stigma, and the tarmac and terraced houses, there are many hidden treasures.
One of those treasures is Whitehawk Hill Nature Reserve, beneath which lie the remains of one of the UK's most important archaeological sites. It is also one of Britain's rarest natural habitats.
Let the sounds of an awakening community and the nature that surrounds it transport you into a realm where time transcends and perceptions are shattered. As the symphony of Whitehawk Hill unfolds, you will discover a community that defies expectations and challenges preconceived notions.
All proceeds from the sale of this soundscape will go to Whitehawk campaign group Class Divide.
Class Divide is a politically independent grassroots campaign fighting to draw attention to the deeply injust educational attainment gap for young people from the communities of Whitehawk, Manor Farm and Bristol Estate in Brighton and Hove.
The campaign is made up of parents, residents, experts and supporters who have experienced these problems or have expertise in education.